Good Better Best
Never Let It Rest
Till Your Good Is Your Better
And Your Better Is Your Best!!
The best, fastest, and winningest ceramic bearings just got better. New v2 100+mph bearings from Rc Speed Secrets. Purpose built for 100+mph applications with industry-first ever CFO coatings to virtually eliminate resistance from the immense power created 100+mph and above. Nothing else even comes close. Experience the difference for yourself and take home the win! Maximizes power output and RPM while significantly reducing Amp draw which = MORE HORSEPOWER. This equates to faster 60', mid track, and top end speeds while minimizing your amp draws and allowing for less operating temps and MORE POWER!! The absolute best of all worlds.
First time out in competition (Summer Slam 23, Maumee. Ohio) these bearings achieved the top 4 lowest ETs of the event (1.38-1.44) and our products swept the finals and top 4 spots overall while everyone lucky enough to be testing our v2 bearings eclipsed the 100+ MPH mark across all the top platforms. GFRP Apollo, Class Wrecker Apollo, 5 STAR Fury, Custom Works Patriot, R1 DC1. Different drivers, different chassis, same v2 bearings, same result. And results don't lie. Don't forget our Super-Lube. It's a must have and 1/2 the Speed Secret!
Fits most popular 4 pole drag motors
If any questions please email us at Info@RcSpeedSecrets.com
Castle 1412